Alex Frieder and two men smoke cigarettes by a doorway with movie posters. Pan up to "Frieder Films. East Indies, Inc, Distributors of Republic Pictures In The Far East" sign. The men walk past the building and turn a street corner. Alex takes a ride in a rickshaw. The Frieder family and children relax at a swimming pool. Note the film camera case and yellow Kodak box on the coffee table. Farms. The South Bali Airport. Alex shakes hands with a women and two men. CUs, locals in colorful traditional dress wading into the water and riding in boats. A cock fight. Views of green landscape. Farmers pick berries. Tourist views from inside an airplane. Alex stands under a sign, "Frieder Films, Siam, Inc. Distributors of Republic Pictures." A sign inside reads "Welcome Alex Frieder." Buddhist temples. Boxing match. Alex in a rickshaw. Daily life in the city including monks and children. Women and children stand in line at an airport (in Korea?) with a Northwest Airlines plane. [NO FILM FROM 01:06:47 to 01:06:57]. A couple (man in military dress uniform). Modern building (an embassy?). Communist demonstration on streets (in China?). 01:07:50 A young mother and her daughter play ball outside.
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